The Day After – Reflection

Most of us were hit by the lockdown and had to change our way of working dramatically. Crisis mode was quickly set; employees and management quickly learned to find individually suitable solutions and how to establish routines within the new circumstances. The quick set up procedures are often inefficient compromises, and can not substitute the normal way of working – but they create a feeling of safety and familiarity especially in times when the future looks insecure and hostile. Many business people work day and night to save their business, some of them also complain bitterly – which is understandable. This is the problem. 

The business after Corona will not be created by hard but smart work, it will look different. The sooner they find out the bigger their competitive advantage will be in the future. Daniel Kahnemann explains the interdependency of the two systems which control human decision making. The two selves are the experiencing self, which does the living, and the remembering self, which keeps score and makes the choices. 

(Kahneman, Daniel, Thinking Fast Slow. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Kindle Edition.)

Martin Seligman, professor at the the University of Pennsylvania the author of “How to Bounce Back from Adversity” offers in his article “a simple exercise to help stay calm in the face of coronavirus uncertainty”

4 Steps:

  1. Ask yourself, What is the worst possible situation?
  2. Then force yourself to think about the best outcome
  3. Next, consider what’s most likely to happen
  4. Finally, develop a plan for the most realistic scenario

Resilience starts with a clear mind, which is not polluted by stress hormones and fear. A leader must provide direction and convincing calm behaviour. “Be quick but don’t hurry” This also creates the possible environment for creativity, participation and involvement.

Fortunately, I see an increasing number of friends and business partners who can get out of the mental trap and start investing time in creative thinking. The exchange of ideas together is very inspiring and is often getting philosophical. A summary of the most common topics in the last weeks:

  1. Globalisation can’t be turned back but will look different
  2. Green Industry vs. cheap oil and low budgets
  3. The flexibility of work including home office is now established, contracts have to be adapted.
  4. Model Sweden vs Model Germany and Austria tends towards Sweden
  5. New understanding of Luxury Brands?
  6. Travelling for business and holiday?
  7. New nationalisation vs liberal economy?

There is a lot to be discussed and monitored, we all aim at moving targets where solutions will appear on the go. Let’s be part of it and contribute to a prosperous future.

What Do you think?


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